Park Avenue

The WBDC prides itself on tackling complex sites that lack private sector investment opportunities. As an intermediary, we bring our expertise and skills to evaluate site conditions, recommend and implement development strategies. The WBDC consulted with the land owner to analyze brownfields contamination, poor soil quality and other physical constraints. Due to historical environmental contamination, this 7-acre site had been vacant for several years and posed an impediment to continued revitalization efforts within the area. This predevelopment work provided our client with vital information to evaluate whether or not to pursue development. In this case, the constraints of the site led the client to conclude that development was not viable at this time.


Fee for Service Project

Services Utilized:

  • State & Local Permitting Assistance

  • Grant Research, Writing & Administration

  • Planning - Market Readiness & Implementation

  • Environmental Assessment & Remediation

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Mercantile Center